1-31-2021 - 4th Sunday of OT - Fr. Leo

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr. Leo

“The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not like the scribes.”

These words from Mark’s gospel capture our natural response when we encounter a person of incredible integrity.  The truth and goodness of Jesus’ words, words of the Father, called forth admiration and respect from his hearers.  They even allow themselves to be moved when he cast out unclean spirits.  As a result, Jesus’ prophetic words and deeds brought him to wider attention.

Only God, in Christ, could stand up in the middle of a religious/cultic gathering and fill it with the presence of transforming Spirit.  For Jesus to be this prophet is a sign of endless grace. He was able to bring what is good and true into the midst of hollow ritual.

Sadly, Jesus’ truth comes to be rejected by the legalists who use religion for their own gain in power and control. Eventually the innocent man of love and mercy is rejected in crucifixion.  

The good news is that you can kill the messenger, but you can’t kill the message.  Jesus rose from the dead, appeared to his disciples, and lived on in them to continue the incarnation of God’s kingdom into our world. The Spirit, God, is not dead, but alive, present and acting in all things.

Let us rejoice that the prophetic spirit of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is still with us despite those to try and obscure His light and truth, whether inside or outside of our Church.  Let us pray for the gift of this Spirit so that our hearts may be open to God and not be hardened as in the days of Massah in the desert.

Come Holy Spirit, and in our hearts take up thy rest! Amen!