4-14-24 - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Fr. Leo Schneider

3rd Sunday of Easter Fr. Leo

 We can only understand Jesus’ mercy if we understand the new world order he ushered into the world through his death-resurrection-Pentecost.

St. Paul summarizes this new world order by contrasting the wisdom of this world with the wisdom of God.  The summary of this worlds wisdom comes from the political order.  First, God is incarnate in the Emperor and peace is established by violence.  Jesus calls for a new world order where peace is achieved through justice.  

Salvation in this new world order comes from sharing in Christ’s mission.  This happens when we let the Holy Spirit be our spirit, that it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us.  This calls us to respect all people as God’s people and to live Christ’s justice in a world of retribution.  

Jesus forgives sin to make us whole.  Jesus does not punish, never did.  Jesus restores us so we may be the people of his kingdom here as we live now.  Retribution is the extension of violence that is used against people for the good of those in power.  Over time, every government that started out, served the people, but in time, it is the people who are to serve the government.  We live in that world and the problem is, we think it is normal.

Jesus says this doesn’t need to be.  His death and resurrection revealed a higher order based on love, forgiveness, mercy and restoration.  This recognition leaves us all with a heavy cross to bare.  How do we live God’s justice in a world that denies God’s justice, as it insists with violence on its own definition? 

In this sense, Jesus was an anarchist.  He proclaimed that God is King and that we are his children. Caesar or any political system of violence, like pay or else, is not God’s kingdom.  So, to be faithful, we are each left to work out in our own lives the justice of a God who challenges this system.  And yes, some of us may pay the price, but let us remember the resurrection is our ultimate hope and aim of all we say and do in this life. “Father, Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.”