4-2-23 - Palm Sunday - Fr. Leo Schneider

Palm Sunday, 2023  - Fr. Leo

Betrayal, and rejection of truth and love underlie Christ’s passion.  Yet, despite the horrors of Christ insidious murder, Jesus never condemns.  Quite the opposite, he gives eternal life to the thief at his side who places his faith in him.  

Let us not fear then to enter in to the pain of this story, which is our pain and the pain of  the world.  Let us draw near to the one who dies for us and asks to be remembered and placed by faith in his saving love.  Let us see in Christ’s death the ultimate expression of unconditional redemptive love, and dedicate ourselves anew to His Spirit and grace. Let us embrace darkness that Christ may transform it into the bright light of his resurrection.    

 As we begin this week that is holy because of the blessings held out to us, let us place ourselves before God and listen as his Word as it resonates in our souls as we hear and participate in the scriptures and rituals of this week.  I invite you to participate fully in the Easter Triduum.  The three days of Easter, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil is a wonderful vehicle for God to act in our souls.  I pray each of us will avail ourselves to the timelessness of our communal prayer to create the “space” God needs to mysteriously etch his image ever more in the depths of our being.

God’s blessings be in you!