6-13-21 - 11 OT - Fr. Leo Schneider

11th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo 

The gospel today gives us two parables that teach us how to live in God.  First, is the parable of scattering the seed.  The seed is the Word of God, the invitation to live in God.  What is significant in this narrative is that God does the growing.  It says, “…the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how.”  Faithfulness is letting God direct our souls so they grow in his Wisdom and grace.

The second parable compares the kingdom to a mustard seed.  Though it is the smallest of plants, it becomes the largest, providing shade for the birds.  The seed represents faith.  The parable mentions it as the smallest of seeds.  Not looking like much: like the busy worlds attitude toward faith and religion.  But, just as we find the extraordinary in the ordinary, so our faith can lead us to experiencing God in the smallest events of our lives. 

Our belief in God allows us to experience God in the routine of our lives.  The smallest things can move our hearts and lift our spirits if we engage the world through our souls, that part of us that knows the love of God delivered by a gentle breeze.  So I say, look for God in your lives.  Take a moment to step back from the long list of demands running through your head and look for God. Slow down and be present, then all things will become gift, and your hearts will live with the joyful tune of God’s presence echoing in your heart.