7-3-22 - 14th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr. Leo

When the 72 disciples returned from their first mission they reported how demons were subject to them, and Jesus affirms this when he said he saw them fall from the sky like lightning.  Sounds like a war zone to me. A real combat between good and evil.  

As I look at the media, I see the same.  Clips of tanks being blown up in a nanosecond.  Shootings taking place everywhere.  A growing tension between right and left, conservative and liberal.  It makes me nervous.  I am saddened by the hideousness of the war in Ukraine and I fear for my own safety in places in the city.

Then I hear Jesus’ words, “Rejoice not because spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”  This reminds me that what matters most is my relationship with God.  My trust in his goodness and strength is all that matters as I move forward in life whatever the outcome may be.  This takes real faith.  More than I feel at times, but I pray that the Spirit that Jesus gave his disciples, will be given to you and me.  That we may live in truth and find comfort in a love that is real. 

As a community of faith, we create a world counter to what we see and read in the media.  We create a community were people put others first creating a family of trust that brings peace and a security that only faith in Christ can bring.  Let us pray for the gift of God’s Spirit that we may be courageous disciples and do all we can to love the Kingdom of God into our days.