8-22-21 - 21st Sunday OT B - Fr. Leo

21st Sunday  - Fr. Leo

Joshua, in our first reading, affirms his faith in the Lord and challenges his peers to do the same.  They join him in proclaiming their faith in God as the one who saves.  

In the gospel, Jesus does the same, but not all the disciples stay with him. Peter declares his faith that Jesus is the One to come.  This scripture asks each of us to affirm our faith in God as well.

By the fact we are here, we are affirming our faith at some level.  But for me, faith is a constant invitation and challenge.  An invitation to deepen my soul’s relationship with God, and to maintain my faith when believing seems to ask too much.

The growing in intimacy requires spiritual reading, reflection and prayer and also the prayer of being still and knowing that God is God.  The believing can be challenged by tragedy or a thought like, “The galaxy is so big, how can there be a god?”  A passing thought perhaps but one that gives the opportunity of affirming our faith again, and remembering the divine energy that unites all things and has one source in God.

In our prayer this week, let us hear Jesus say to us in our hearts, “Do you also want to leave?” Let us reflect on this as Jesus’ way of inviting us deeper into his love, and a moment to strengthen the faith that gives all things meaning and purpose.