8-29-21 - 22nd Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

22nd Sunday  - Fr. Leo

One way of discerning our spiritual life is to begin by considering its’ external aspects.  What do our actions reveal?  Are we forgiving, merciful, patient, understanding, kind and at the service of others?  Do we care for the orphan and the widow; those who are the outcast of our society?  Or, are we self-centered, greedy, mean, angry, lustful, deceitful, arrogant and envious?  

Most of us are a combination of both ends of this spectrum of behavior.  And more than likely we are not aware of the what is underlying our attitudes and behaviors.  Following Christ, calls us to reflect in prayer on our “way of being” in this world.  For whatever our behavior is, it has its origin in our hearts.  When we pray we desire to make room in our hearts for God, so that all we think, feel and do, is what Christ would think, feel and do.

As we grow in Christ’s spirit, we become more aware of our motives and move closer to letting his love be the basis of our being and our acting.  This is not to be a source of discouragement.  To become more self-aware of our negative behaviors, is a moment of liberation when we recognize them and give them to God.  In that act, we become a new creation!

Here again the importance of silence and solitude reveal themselves.  Without both we cannot quiet our minds and hearts to hear the voice of God; the stillness that opens us up to his spirit of transformation.  God gifts us with his love in that stillness, and slowly we become Christ as his spirit grows in us.  So let us have faith in God’s love for us.  Let us not be afraid to enter the stillness where love is born.  If we have this desire, God will transform us and enlighten us in ways beyond our knowing.  So let us pray, “Come, Holy Spirit, enkindle in us the fire or your love,”