9-11-22 - 24th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

24th Sunday - Fr. Leo

Clearly our scriptures today, are about God’s mercy and infinite desire to share himself with us.  In our first reading, Moses entreats God not to destroy his people who have turned aside from the way he pointed out to them. In his mercy, God relented to save the people from their sin.

In our second reading from Timothy, the apostle admits his great sinfulness in ignorance and arrogance and proclaims how merciful God has been to him.  He holds himself as an example of how merciful God is willing to be with us.

I like to think of today’s gospel as the story of the merciful father with his two sons.  The younger son had to learn the hard way.  In his suffering he recalls his father’s goodness and returns home admitting his erroneous ways.  The father drops everything because he has his son home.  More important than all the property he ruined, was having his family together.  He celebrates because his son was dead and has come back to life.

In the end the older son becomes the prodigal son and we never know if he returns home.  Resentful of his brother’s waste, it doesn’t seem as important for him to have his brother home.  His father reassures him that all the material things are his, but we don’t know if the older son ever comes to his senses to join the party; to be family.

The father’s mercy is impressive and his love for his sons is confirmed.  This is the father who is over us as well.  He is always there to embrace us in his love and restore us to the joy of being his sons and daughters. But one thing is needed.  We need to want it.  The younger son’s pain made him come to his senses.  The older brother hasn’t chosen yet.  We too, are free to make our choice to live in God or not,  God is always willing, but we can waver.  So let us pray  for the faith that will make us always willing to let God be our God.  In all things, let us join the psalmist and pray,  “I will rise and go to my father!”  Amen.