9-19-21 - 25th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

25th Sunday  - Fr. Leo

Today’s passage from Mark’s gospel reveals that Jesus and his disciples were not on the same page in their reading of the meaning and purpose of life. While Jesus is talking about his suffering and death, the disciples are arguing about who among them is the greatest.   

The “power” Jesus witnesses, is the power that comes from humility.  The ‘power” the disciples seek, comes from arrogance.  The disciples seek to be served, while Jesus came not to be served, but to serve.

As followers of Christ in the world today, we are like a rope in a tug-of-war.  The world calls us to a power that seeks self recognition and control of all people and things.  It tugs on us with messages that we need material things to be happy.

From the other direction, Jesus gently calls us in a counter cultural direction.  Service is greatness.  Humility to God brings ultimate meaning and happiness.

One side tells us there is no God.  The other, that God lives in all the relationships found in creation and that living in a unity of love brings happiness.

In order to move in God’s direction, we will need the discipline of the cross.  At first we may hate the medicine we take, but in time we find a healing that reveals the true beauty and wonder of sharing in God’s divine love, even while we are here on earth.

Maybe all this can be said better by the simple example Jesus gives in the Gospel when he embraces an innocent child and says that you who do the same, will know the meaning of unconditional love.  We are called to embrace the innocent in each other.  For deep down, in each one of us, is a loving, innocent child formed in the image of God. We don’t grow out of this kind of child-likeness, we grow into it.  May the Spirit move us to embrace each other in love.  Amen.