April 3, 2016

Second Sunday of Easter - A Reflection by Fr. Leo


Thomas, who represents all of us, is the hero of today’s gospel.  Not having a personal experience of Christ risen, he doesn’t come to believe until Jesus’ second visit to see him specifically.  When he does come to faith, it is more than the others, for he proclaims Jesus and both Lord, and God.


Since this proclamation of Jesus as both God and man was the whole point of John’s gospel, Thomas is the hero who comes to deeper faith and leads the others to the same.  Doubt becomes a positive thing in the journey to the fullness of faith.  Perhaps even a necessary part, for how can we come to a deeper understanding of anything if we don’t question.


Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, comes to Thomas and helps him come to faith.  Thomas experiences God’s presence and comes to believe.  So, wherever we are in our faith journey, Jesus comes to us through the power of the Holy Spirit to help us come to a deeper faith.  As he breathed on the disciples, he breathes on us today.  In fact, every breath we take is a breathing in of God’s life.  Thomas inspires us to believe that Christ is with us and that we can come to the peace Jesus invites us to over and over, through the gift of faith.


To make this real we can hear Christ’s words, “Peace be with you,” in your hearts while we breath in deeply in meditation, and then breath out our fear and our doubt as we exhale.  We can practice this and make this a natural part of our lives just as walking has become natural part of our lives. So, let us make this our Easter prayer, and learn to breathe in God’s peace with every breathe, and then breathe that same peace out upon all whom we meet as we live, move and have our being.