Groups and Organizations

For assistance contacting any groups, please email Jennifer Stephan.

 A Community Caring for Life (ACCL)

 Steve Cloutier

This group supports Southside Life-Care Center through collections and volunteer work.  They also hold other activities for learning and service to the community.

 Council of Catholic Women (CCW)

Doris Lemieux, Lori Schmidt

The CCW promotes the spiritual life and parish involvement of members and sponsors projects that benefit the parish or community.  Work includes rummage sales and other fundraisers along with social/spiritual events.  CLICK HERE for a brief history and details of activities.

 Fall Festival Planning Committee

Please contact the Office or Laurie Schmidt to be added to the communications list.

This group plans, coordinates and helps lead our largest annual fundraiser.   They also make sure that there are chairpersons for the 25+ individual festival activities and help organize volunteer recruitment.

 Finance Committee

 Steve Peterson

This committee advises the pastor on the financial matters of the parish including financial planning, budgeting, audits and monitoring income and spending.  It seeks to assist with good stewardship of the parish’s assets.

Funeral Lunches

 Jennifer Stephan

This group prepares meals for funerals including shopping, set up and clean up as part of our hospitality to those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Gardening Group

Mary Ann Lutgen

This group keeps our gardens and grounds looking lovely year round!  Help with weeding, planting watering, and planning!

 Parish Council

Peggy Lenzmeier

The Church teaches that parish councils are not forums or sounding boards.  Pastors consult councils so that they can benefit from the council’s work of study, reflection and recommending conclusions.  The council helps guide the parish in continuing its work on its vision and mission. 

 Prayer Shawl Ministry

 Contact Laurie Schmidt to make a connection!

This group is a subset of the CCW and knits and crochets prayer shawls for those in need of extra comfort.  They also minister through prayer as they create the shawls.

 Seven Sisters Apostolate

   Erin O'Leary

The Seven Sisters Apostolate helps strengthen the Church by ensuring that a holy hour is prayed each day of the week for our pastor.  This international movement began in the Twin Cities.  Core pray-ers and substitutes participate.  Prayer can be done at home or at church.

Share a Prayer Ministry

Marge Eischens, Peg  Yzaguirre

This group is a subset of the CCW and meets regularly to pray for individual, parish, community and global needs.  Through fellowship and support, they take great joy in praying for others. You may submit prayer intentions to this group by contacting us!

 St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP)

  *Persons in need of assistance should call the parish office to be put in contact with someone from SVDP.

 Judy Aubert and Jim Sharpsteen


The Holy Name Conference of SVDP is part of the world’s largest lay Catholic charitable organization.  They grow in their faith by prayer and personal involvement in actions that promote the dignity of the person, alleviate suffering and distress, or correct conditions that cause suffering.  CLICK HERE to read an example of the help given!

Synod Implementation Team Erin O'Leary

Beginning in January 2023, the Parish Synod Implementation Team leads the efforts at Holy Name and St. Leonard of Port Maurice to implement the plans and goals of the Archdiocesan Synod Pastoral Plan.  The Team consists of Fr. Leo, Erin O'Leary and 11 selected parishioners.  CLICK HERE to read the Synod Pastoral Letter.