Our Liturgies are central to the life of Holy Name. It takes many people to fulfill the ministries that make our liturgies possible. If you feel called to any of the ministries below, please contact Jennifer Stephan in our main office: or 612-724-5465, ext. 200.
The Ministry of Lector is rooted in prayer; for the one who proclaims the Word of God must speak from a heart of faith. Good enunciation, projection and reading skills serve the community when the Word is proclaimed by someone who himself/herself is seeking the wisdom of God. We provide materials that help lectors prepare at home to understand the scriptures as they ready themselves to make God present in their proclaiming of God's word among our assembly. Note: Lectors are able to view materials via our WeConnect Lector Group Site. Lectors will be given access to this site when they sign up to minister.
Hospitality is truly the ministry of every member of our community. We are called to welcome the stranger in our midst and to make them part of our lives and our community. During our liturgies, Ministers of Hospitality welcome all to our assembly, making each person feel welcomed and at home. Liturgical Ministers of Hospitality also facilitate the liturgy by helping with the collection, collecting orders of worship, handing out bulletins and straightening up for the next celebration.
Eucharistic Minister
When we celebrate the Liturgy of Word and Sacrament, we celebrate God's presence among us. We are called to minister God's presence to each other. Ministers of the Eucharist come from the assembly to minister to the assembly the presence God in the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.
When approved by the Archbishop, Eucharistic Ministers may also bring the Eucharist to those who are home bound or in the hospital with illness. Such ministry flows out of a keen appreciatoin and devotion of Christ present in the Eucharist. Time spent in prayer before and after such ministry brings blessings on those who minister and those who receive this wonderful ministry.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the presider in his ministry as leader of prayer. Altar Servers can be male or female of any age who have received their First Eucharist. Key is a desire to help facilitate the liturgy. Ministering as an Altar Server allows one to participate closely in the liturgy and deepen one's appreciation for the presence of God in our assembly.
Music allows the assembly to unite their voices in praise of the God who's presence we celebrate during the liturgy. Good music makes the presence of God more accessible and allows us to express our faith and love in a way that words alone can not express.
Music ministry can be undertaken in several ways. For vocalists the choir provides an opportunity to assist the assembly and for some the Ministry of Cantor is another opportunity. Instrumentalists also gift the community when they augment the music chosen or provide music for meditation or reflection. Note: Music Ministers are able to view materials via our WeConnect Music Group Site. Ministers will be given access to this site when they sign up as part of the music ministry.