1-16-22 - 2nd Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

2nd Sunday Ordinary Time - Fr. Leo

The most amazing moment in our scriptures this morning is when Jesus transforms water into wine.  And not just any wine, but the finest wine.  I love this event, not because it somehow blesses my snobbish love for fine wine, but because the power of God is manifest in the middle of a very human event; a wedding at Cana. Mary, alert to human need approaches her Son, who at first reluctant, provides an extravagant, over flowing amount of wine. 

In this the power of God is manifest in Jesus who’s blessing transforms water into wine.  More importantly, Jesus’ action is symbolic of a transformation he has come to offer all humanity in the gift of God’s unconditional love.  This love is manifest in Jesus through the events of his life and especially his victory over sin and death so we might live sharing his divinity. 

God’s glory is to become our own. 

As Jesus was transformed on the mount and manifested God’s light, so too, we are transformed through our celebration and reception of the Eucharist.  The Spirit that transformed the water into wine is received and we are transformed into Christ.  God’s love replaces our stony hearts. 

In Baptism, God endowed each of us with different gifts of the Spirit.  St. Paul articulates them in our second reading.  And no matter what our gift, be it preaching, healing, making peace, being prophetic, it is the same Spirit that makes these gifts come alive in our hearts, and in turn, in the way we live, move and have our being.

As we receive the Eucharist today, let us pray for the gift of the Spirit to enliven our love for God in Christ.  Let us ask the Spirit to enkindle in our hearts the fire of his love.  “Oh God, transform us in our love that your Spirit may move through us to bring your unconditional and healing love to all!”