3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time- Fr. Leo
“Repent and believe in the Gospel.”
This phrase sums up our scriptures today. It is an age old invitation to live in a right relationship with God, others, creation and ourselves. It is not an invitation to a self-hating guilt trip. It invites us to a healthy way of being and living our lives. In repentance we come to see what we are missing in the way we live and that recognition draws us to take a different direction in the divinity of Christ. From there we find what our hearts truly desire and what brings the most meaning, love and peace into our lives.
Repentance is a slow transformation by the Holy Spirit and nudges us along the path to holiness. Most of us never fall off a horse like St. Paul. Life simply teaches us what works best for our living in God’s peace. If we feel remorse, it is to come from recognizing the opportunities we have missed to live fuller lives. So we are drawn from the heart to change because of love, not because we are guilted by an external system. That is not conversion, that is coercion. Something Jesus didn’t do. He only invites.
In our gospel, Jesus invites his first followers to join him. What has always struck me about this gospel, is its radicalness. In some ways, it doesn’t seem fair. First, I think of the fathers who are losing their sons. They are not only co-workers, but family. How is this fair to them? Then comes their youthful response, they leave all behind and follow Jesus to become fishers of men. It seemed to happen so fast, that it challenges me.
Regardless of my personal issues with these aspects of the story, what rises above, is the ability to leave all behind for a different life, that promised to be more meaningful. Not easier, but worth it when it comes to what really matters. We all need to have an openness to the call of God in our own lives. We are never too old, too young, too unqualified to heed a call from the Holy Spirit.
To hear this call, we need quiet time for reflection and prayer. Without fail, God will speak to us in... ...those times through the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit will speak to us and draw us in some direction to live in Christ.
Today’s psalm offered us the perfect prayer to put us on the right path, with phrases like:
“Your ways, O Lord, make known to me; teach me your paths, Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior.”
“Good and upright is the Lord; thus he shows sinners the way. He guides the humble to justice and teaches the humble his ways.”