1-28-24 - 4th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo Schneider

4th Sunday  in Ordinary Time- Fr. Leo

The thought of exorcisms makes me anxious.  So there may be a temptation to explain away the dramatic healing of the man with an unclean spirit to today’s Gospel.  Jesus cast the veil on him out of the man causing a violent physical reaction before the man could return to his senses.  

Exorcisms are real and each diocese has a priest appointed to be the exorcist of the diocese.  Often, they work with a team who prays much before such a rite.  Before that, there is much discernment if the person is truly possessed or not.  It is rare, as psychotic episodes and other things can mimic possession.  

The thought of exorcisms shouldn’t make us live in fear.  That would undermine our faith that cast out all fear.   It is better to look at Jesus as our exorcist in the sense of small moments of conversion and direction from God.  God can truly transform a heart that desires to grow in love of Him.  We should not rule out the possibility of God speaking directly to us or speaking to us through others or in a myriad of other ways. 

Many of you here have probably had ‘God moments” where it was very clear that God was speaking to you.  It could be a coincidence that wasn’t a coincidence.  Maybe you were reminded of your father who passed on when you saw something that makes you think of him.  Like a deer crossing the road.  You are moved by your memories and said a prayer and expressed your love.  Then later that same day you realized it was the anniversary of his passing.  So it was him saying hello. I’m good, you be at peace too.

We all can have these God’s moments.  Putting our faith in God as the one who literally can do all things and calling upon our Lord in prayer makes us open to such moments and puts our lives on a spiritual track.  So let us pray and live in expectation of the voice of God!  “Come, Holy Spirit, enkindle in us the fire of your love.”