10-03-21 - 27th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

27th Sunday  - Fr. Leo

Genesis was written to convey God as the loving creator of all things.  It’s not a factual story, but a story of faith and truth.  Such a story could not be written until there was a community with language and the ability to write.  The myth is evident in the line that says, “None of the animals proved to be a suitable partner for the man.”   Of course not.  Humankind knew before the writing of Genesis, the strong attraction of man and woman, and that God made their relationship a place to experience the goodness of God.

We were created to be in a relationship.  For us, that means relationship with God first, then our families, friends, the alien and stranger, and all creation.  The sacredness of all our relationships is underscored in the gospel.  Jesus condemns their stubborn degrading of marriage relationships and recalls that God made them to be one. One doesn’t walk out on another, because they burnt the toast or dented the car.

All relationships are sacred and it is in sitting still in the presence of God that this sacredness is renewed.  When we turn away from all distractions, we become in touch with our intrinsic need to be in love.  God fulfills that need and we receive the blessing of being in a relationship when we are still and let God show us he is God.

Practically, go for a walk.  Don’t look at your phone or watch.  Take in nature in all its naked beauty. Let it pick you up and bring you to a place beyond your distractions.  When you come across  recyclables, pick then up in reverence of God and deposit them where they should be.  In this, a walk becomes a prayer, a uniting with the creator, and a participation in renewing the face of the earth.