10-30-22 - 31 OT C - Fr. Leo Schneider

31st Sunday - Fr. Leo

God’s patient love is revealed in Jesus’ calling Zacchaeus to come to him.  Gods grace is made real in Zacchaeus’ life because he was at least curious enough to seek the Lord by running ahead and climbing a tree to see Jesus.  So with planning, action and an open heart Zacchaeus receives Christ as his guest.

Zacchaeus was an isolated man.  No one loved the tax collectors; daily distain was Zacchaeus’ experience of life,  so, he wanted something more and sought the Lord.

When Jesus sees Zacchaeus, he calls him by name and invites himself to his home.  Zacchaeus is elated.  Someone is treating him with love and respect.  Meanwhile, the righteous are decrying Jesus for even being with Zacchaeus.  Jesus is not deterred.  He comes to bring life to Zacchaeus and in turn Zacchaeus puts his faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.

Zacchaeus represents all who seek the Lord.  Through him, we learn that the Lord will overlook our sins so that he can bring us its opposite, love.  Had Jesus condemned Zacchaeus, he would never have called him from his perch.  But because he does so, he can gift Zacchaeus with new life.  This is a loving God.  This is our God.  His love gifts us with a new way of living that replaces isolation and sadness.

From today’s gospel narrative, we learn we never need to fear God.  If we seek him, he will come and bless us with fullness of life no mater what our sin.  This is our faith, and we are proud to profess it in Jesus Christ our Lord, and through the Eucharist we give him thanks and praise.  Let’s let our reception of the Body and Blood this morning be Christ’s entering our lives to bring us to its fullness in him.