33rd Sunday - Fr. Leo
It’s a sad moment when the one with one talent confesses his fear of his master and buried his talent. Fear can have that kind of power over us. It is very real. I’m sure we have all made decisions out of fear that have limited our futures.
Fear is real and it is something we need to learn how to live with. First, not all fear is bad. Fearing snakes, heights, angry dogs, wildlife and speeding cars has probably kept many a person alive. It is only when fear starts to diminish our lives in anyway that we are wise to be concerned and address it.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an example of peace of mind being compromised. If a person has to spend a half hour making sure his door is locked, or has to take a two hour shower or continually wash his or her hands, this is anxiety out of control. The repetitive behavior is an attempt to appease a fear that seems real but isn’t. In these cases the serotonin level is most likely too low and needs intervention.
What we want to concern ourselves with is the fear of God. What does it mean? First, we know that scripture says perfect love casts out all fear. And if this is true, then it is love that allows us to live in awe of God and not in primeval fear. Unlike the master in the gospel, Jesus is for us, he desires to help us understand and heal from our fears.
So the first step, is to trust the Lord in dealing with our fears. Then we can ask him for the wisdom and insight to understand how our fear isn’t necessary at all. As our experience of God’s love grows, we see how unnecessary fear is and that living in and trusting God, frees us to be who we truly are, made in the image of God with talents with which to love as we are loved. The opposite of fear is love. So may God help us to love ourselves as he loves us, that we might live in his freedom and become love for others, our one talent!