12-05-21 - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Fr. Leo

2nd Sunday of Advent - Fr. Leo

“Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.”

In Luke’s gospel, John the Baptist quotes the Prophet Isaiah, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.”  John’s quote advocates making room for God in our lives.  Just as we may need to remove at lot of clutter from our closets and garages that hasaccumulated over the years, moving things on we have not used and will not use, we also need to remove the ‘clutter’ in our hearts to make room for God.

It is true, that only God can gift us with sharing in God’s divinity, but we do need to give our assent to God’s unconditional love, as Peter did when he allowed Jesus to wash his feet.  Our “clutter” are the things that keep God at a distance, the things that keep us from recognizing and living in God’s peace that has been planted in our hearts.

One of the biggest sources of “clutter” for us is business.  We fill every moment with thoughts of the things we must do.  Many of these things are good things.  We like Martha in the Mary and Martha story, attend to all the practical matters of life, things that we feel must be done.  But the purpose of why we do what we do can be lost, unless we spend time in prayer and root ourselves in love.  Doing so helps us to turn all our activities into expressions of faith and love.

There are two practical things we can do to help us prepare the way of the Lord.  First, take a few quiet moments and ask yourself what keeps you from prayer.  Are we obsessed with projects we feel must be done before prayer?  Do we slip into “fun” things that keep us from our inner life with God, like excessive gaming and other mindless activities, including  many hours of TV to replace spiritual reading?  What is our “clutter” that needs to go.  What in our hearts can God help us not be afraid of?  A hurt, a false guilt?

A second exercise that can bring context to our Christmas preparation is how we go about buying Christmas gifts.  Maybe step one would be to make a list of those people we want to give to as an expression of our love.  Each day take one name.  Reflect on your relationship with that person and write a note or a letter to that person expressing your thoughts.  The love your encounter in this writing is your true gift.  It is what your material gift is trying to communicate. This letter is the true gift and could accompany the gift you give.

May the intercession of John the Baptist, and all the angles and saints help us to prepare the way of the Lord.!  Come, Lord Jesus, in this Winter time, fill our hearths with the light and warmth of your love.