12-26-21 - Holy Family - Fr. Leo

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - Fr. Leo

Our scriptures today, offer us an abundance of guidance for the domestic church; the family.  The guidance is practical.  Sirach reminds us to be respectful of elders whose age and experience gives them authority, and then advises us to care for the elderly when roles are reversed.

We understand this passage because it is written in our hearts.  Who wouldn’t naturally respect and love their parents?  Yet, in truth, do we?  Do we let business or "uncomfortable” feelings keep us from visiting the sick and home bound?  Do we let others take care of them?

Our second reading from St. Paul advises us to put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness as expressions of unconditional love.  I think it is hardest for us to love those closest to us as St. Paul directs. We see this in today’s Gospel.

Jesus knew he would be in his father’s house, but Mary and Joseph didn’t.  This misunderstanding caused Mary and Joseph much pain.  It is easy to try to assess blame in one direction or the other, which is futile, but what can be gained from this pain is a greater understanding of self and others.

In close family relationships the deep connection of familial bonds can be taken for grated and we can become unnecessarily vulnerable to each other. With respect of self and others we can share in a spirit of love, seeking the others' good as they seek ours.

The truth is, in family life, even the life of a faith community, is going to experience misunderstandings. The challenge for us is to meet those challenges in loving faith. We need to keep the flame of God’s love alive in a living faith in God, ourselves and the family members with whom God has blessed us.  

May we all come to rejoice in the glorious house of the Lord. For we are all one family, with one creator, and one call to make the love in our hearts real.