12-6-20 - 2nd Advent - Fr. Leo

2nd Advent - Fr. Leo

“I have baptized you with water;
he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

John the Baptist called people to repent of their sins.  This is done by professing our sins, owning our own behavior that has torn down rather than built up.  However, this is only the first step in conversion.  The most important aspect of conversion happens with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Only in Christ do we not only find forgiveness, but also a share in the living presence of God’s love dwelling in our inmost being.

Water deals with the exterior expression of our faith; a virtuous life.  The Holy Spirit is the actual life of God that directs our hearts, which in tern directs our actions.  We need both in living a Christian life in imitation of Jesus, the Son of God.

Mercy is the experience of the Lord’s love that forgives our sin, that we might share in his love, His life.  For me, this is expressed beautifully in today’s psalm where it proclaims:

“Kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss.”

Truth and justice can be harsh, but when tempered with mercy we see them meet, we experience truth meeting kindness, and justice kissing peace. 

Because all of us have been baptized in Christ, this Holy Spirit lives in the deepest part of our being.  Advent calls us to wake up to this Spirit,  to learn to hear the voice of love deep with-in that forever is calling us forth. This Spirit within us, is Christmas, it is Emanuel, the God ever within us.  So in this Advent Season we are striving to realize the truth that is already in us; the eternal life of God; Emanuel.

“O come, O come, Emanuel.  In our hearts you do dwell.  Help us come to you, that in us we may feel truth and kindness meet, and justice and peace exchange your merciful kiss.” Amen.