2-18-24 - 1st Sunday of Lent - Fr. Leo Schneider

1st Sunday  of Lent Fr. Leo

“Jesus died for you, live in his love.”

“Repent, and believe in the Gospel”

These two phrases have the same purpose, to strengthen our relationship with God.  What for me is problematic in the second phrase, Repent, and believe in the Gospel, is the word ‘repent’.  The meaning of that word has become narrow and legalistic.  For the scrupulous person it shuts the door to living without fear and knowing the infinite love of our Creator.

Most of us focus on our weaknesses so we can be better.  We have been conditioned to that.  But, with that can come an unhappiness with ones self.  We are never good enough.  ‘I’m just a sinner.’  There is no hope and love in this mind set.

Contrast that with the first phrase, “Jesus died for you. Live in his love.”  Jesus never shamed anyone into  a better life! That would be coercion; not conversion.  Shame is the devils tool.  The truth is that God loves us for who we are now, just as we are! Meaning, we can draw close to God without fear and anxiety.  It is when we grow in our loving relationship with the Lord that his grace transformed us.  It is a welcomed journey into life with one’s head looking to the heavens at the beauty of God in all things.  

Our Lent then, is a spring time for the soul bringing new life under the sun of God’s love.  Spend time with Jesus.  Let him love you.  Then you will love him and he will gradually lead you to the fullness of love, joy and peace!