2-26-23 - 1st Sunday of Lent - Fr. Leo Schneider

1st Sunday of Lent, 2023  - Fr. Leo

Jesus was tempted in the desert.  First, he was tempted to serve himself by making his own food out of stones.  Such an act makes himself the center of power serving his own-self.  Second, he was tempted to make God his servant by throwing himself down from the parapet of the temple so angles would rescue him. Such a jump would be another self-serving act making God his servant.  Then thirdly, Jesus was tempted with worldly power.  He could have a kingdom of his own instead of being part of God’s kingdom that he came to establish.  Here, Jesus’ humility and love for the Father is revealed.  He sends Satan away!

As we enter Lent, we join Jesus in the desert. A blessed time to be transformed into men and women of God’s kingdom and not our own.  We begin by seeking the humility to face the same temptations Jesus faced.  Our misguided desire for power and control driven by a false ego that denies love -the kingdom - which God has placed in us through the gift of Christ’s love, made real in his life, death and resurrection.

Like Christ, we too hunger, we want food to nourish our soul, humility to live for the Father, and love to be the basis of all we are.  I believe this is the hope of our true self.  Yet, we are tempted and sometimes choose other dreams.  The gift of this Lenten Season is to take time to detach from our normal routines so we can reflect on what is driving our hearts. Honest prayer in the love of God helps us know our true self and who we are called to become.  As we seek to know what is in our hearts, we discover and renew our deepest desire to live in God.  

Let us pray that God will bless our Lenten prayer so we may come to share more fully in God’s Kingdom of peace and love.  Then, our growth in the Holy Spirit will be a blessing for all.  May God’s kingdom come in its fullness now and for ever. Amen.