3-14-21 - 4th Lent - Fr. Leo Schneider

4th Sunday of Lent - Fr. Leo

Nicodemus is an influential Jew who is sympathetic to Jesus.  He comes to Jesus at night to get to know him.  Jesus explains himself through Jewish scripture, the only scripture that there was. He says, “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes I him may have eternal life.”  The parallel is between Moses who lifted the serpent and healed the people, and Jesus who is lifted up on the cross to heal us of our sin bringing us into the fullness of God.

Jesus states it another way when he says, “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to the light because their works were evil.’  This is  contrasted with those who come into the light because their works are good.  

I think we can say there has been a lot of darkness around us living so close to where George Floyd died.  There continues to be many homicides, shootings, carjackings and robberies and destruction of property.  These are all acts of darkness being hidden under the darkness of a no-go-zone.  Violence begets violence, forgiveness begets forgiveness and opens the door to love.  Love replaces the fist with handshakes, divisions become unity, and war turns into peace.

Yes, the light of Christ is upon us and his light can cast out darkness of every kind.  We chose the light when we choose truth, however challenging it may be.  And now more than ever we need to pray that God’s light will cast out every darkness and bring peace to our streets, our neighborhood and our home.  

Come Spirit of truth, cast out the darkness in us, and in all peoples, that your kingdom may come and your light may warm every human heart with faith, hope, and love.  Amen.