3-28-21 - Palm Sunday - Fr. Leo Schneider

Palm Sunday - Fr. Leo

Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! 

This is the mystery of our faith.  These three simple phrases capture the heart of Christian discipleship.  It is this mystery we remember and make real through our Holy Week celebrations of the Easter Triduum; Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.

I invite each one of you to enter into the scriptures of these days.  Walk with Jesus and contemplate his human experience so that you may come to marvel at God’s love expressed in all that Jesus endured to make real the love of God for us in Christ.  Jesus’ journey was one of truth, love and mercy. 

To enter into God’s truth and love more deeply, it is God’s mercy we must believe in and surrender ourselves too.  This is challenging because we find shame in our sin, and that shame keeps us from God’s mercy.  God does not shame us!  God enlightens us so that we may let go of the untruth of our false selves and live in the truth of whom we are created in God’s image.  God doesn’t punish us, we have punished ourselves enough.  Like the prodigal son, God runs to us to give us new life.  No shame from God only redemption.

As we walk with Christ this week, let us seek our truth, God’s truth, and the new life he freely offers us to live.  Let us pray God’s grace to bring us to the fullness of life, now and forever.  Amen.