5th Sunday of Lent- Fr. Leo
There is a stark contrast in the way Jesus treats the adulterous woman and the desired treatment of her by the Pharisees. In this contrast we learn much about authentic religious-spiritual life.
As the story opens the Pharisees bring and adulterous woman to Jesus. Why? They could have dealt with her themselves, but they wanted to trap Jesus, whose teaching was reaching the hearts of an ever greater number of people who are coming to hear him. Their plan had potential. They wanted Jesus to agree that this woman should not be forgiven but condemned, stoned to death. It’s the law!
Jesus does not fight their mistaken ways. He lets it stand as he invites them to look at their law from another perspective. He does this with a simple statement, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” This statement forces them to see themselves in the woman and deal with her as a person. In her shoes, they must weigh if they want condemnation and death, or forgiveness and mercy.
One by one they walk away. Then after tracing on the ground while they departed, Jesus stands up and asks the woman, “Has no one condemned you?” She replies, “No one, sir.” Then Jesus, the sinless one, does not condemn either. He only advises her to moveforward and sin no more.
The lesson we learn through this story is that love comes before all else, and that the spiritual life, even its laws and dogma, must be informed by mercy and love. We are not to be about condemning others or ourselves, but through our love, we are helping each other experience the mercy that makes for our growth in the spirit and love of God, self and others.