5-01-22 - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Fr. Leo

Third Sunday of Easter - Fr. Leo

There is a Be Deja Vu moment in our gospel this morning.  After catching nothing, a man on the shore tells the men to try their nets on the right side of the boat.  Suddenly there is a great catch of fish like the first time they met Jesus.  Because of this, John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, recognized him and told Peter.  Peter jumps in as it is the fastest way to get to shore.

To let the reality of the resurrection set in, Jesus shares food with them.  While eating he asks Peter three times, do you love me?  Each time Jesus asks Peter, he uses a word for love that becomes more committed and more self-giving.  We lose that in translation because we have one word for love where the Hebrew language has several.

The three affirmations Peter makes to Jesus parallel the number of times Peter disowned Jesus.  Peter’s commitment is his reconciliation and his calling.  From then on Peter would be going God’s way and not his own.  He will even die like Jesus on a cross.

After this, the disciples can not help but proclaim their faith in the risen Christ.  Even when it gets them in trouble with the Sanhedrin, they rejoice to be found worthy of chastisement for the name of Christ.

It is strong faith in God and knowing God’s love in the heart that makes being faithful possible; even a joy.  The discipline of faith and the profound living relationship with God that rises out of faith is what makes us apostles.  When our experience of Christ is real, we can’t help but to proclaim God’s love for us and all humanity in all we say and do.