6-12-22 - The Most Holy Trinity - Fr. Leo

Solemnity of the Holy Trinity - Fr. Leo

Through the gift of the Holy Spirit celebrated in Pentecost, we receive the spirit of adoption making us children of God.  For all who profess Jesus as Lord, the Spirit is in them and they share in the Trinitarian life of God.  As the Eastern Church so readily teaches; through Christ and the indwelling of his Spirit in us, we come to share in the divinity of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

What is important about the Trinity is that it is not a defined doctrine as much as it is a living relationship that gains its entire meaning in the community of love in the triune God. The Spiritual life and the role of the sacraments and the church is to help us share fully in that one light that is God.

I like that I cannot ever quite grasp the concept of the Trinity.  It leaves it as a mystery for me to ponder and to glimpse a tiny passing insight once in a while that moves my heart and makes my inner self cry out “Abba Father.”  Mystery is real. It can not be exhausted.  Nor can God’s efforts to bring us into his love.  

We don’t have to fully understand, but we can let love’s power draw us in.  Deep down, not one of us is a stranger to God’s love.  So today, let us give ourselves to God and ask him to live in us.  Even beg him from our hearts to live in us. Then over time, with faithfulness, we will one day know how real are the words of St. Paul when he says,  “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”  May that be our prayer and may the joy of faithfulness fill our days.