7-25-21 - 17th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

17th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo 

In both our first reading from the Second book of Kings, and in our gospel passage from John chapter six, food meant for a few, ends up feeding multitudes.  There is a ‘miracle’ in this, that we are asked to participate in.

When we place our trust in God and share with others as he shares with us, there is no want among the people.  Paul calls us to work for this unity of the one body as he invites us to the humility and gentleness of Christ.  It is our self-giving that allows us to have theconfidant faith that proclaims the response to today’s psalm. “The hand of the Lord feed us; he answers all our needs.”

Jesus has no hands now but ours.  As disciples, God depends on us.  God shares his divinity with us, that we may be his instruments in this world.  Ours is the hand that comforts, feeds, and strengthens the weary soul.  Hence, we come here to nourish ourselves in God’s spirit through the ritual of the Eucharist so that our ministry, our making Christ present, will be effective as we go forth into the largercommunity.

This sacred gathering redefines our sense of space and time.  We touch here the meaning and purpose of our discipleship.  This is our withdrawing with Jesus to the mountain side to be renewed for the next opportunity to live out the Love God places in our hearts.