7-30-23 -17th Sunday OT A - Fr. Leo Schneider

17th Sunday Ordinary Time - Fr. Leo

Solomon gives us a wonderful example of how to pray.  When asked what he wanted from God, he did not ask anything for himself.  He asked only for an understanding heart that he may minister to God’s flock whom he would lead.

We do the same when we pray, “Thy will be done.”  The spiritual life is about how we can serve the one who loves us and not ourselves. As Jesus said, “I have come to serve and not to be served.”  A radical statement even today in an egotistical age.

This desire to serve is what is underscored in the first example of what God’s kingdom is like.  When one discovers a pearl of great price, the will of God, one becomes so single minded and excited about it that one sells all he has, gives all is energies in acquiring the pearl symbolizing a sharing in the wisdom and love of God.

What we can pray for, is the grace of experiencing a moment of awakening.  St. Augustine had his, when a voice told him to take and read.  He did, and the scriptures lead him to profound wisdom and faith.  A continual source of wisdom for the church yet today.

The experience of awakening involves the heart.  To take time to listen with our hearts and let God speak to us about what truly matters may bring the spark that enlightens us and leads us to seek God with our full mind, heart and soul.

Augustine was in his garden when he heard the voice. It will come when we are in-between-thoughts and something beyond us has a chance to be heard.  The voice will speak God’s call to our deepest self.  For this wonderful grace to know God’s voice, let us earnestly pray.