7-31-22 - 18th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

18th Sunday - Fr. Leo

“Thus will it be for all who store up treasure for themselves but are not rich in what matters to God.”

The Gospel makes a distinction between possessions and being possessed.   Or, between living for one’s self and living in union withothers.  The rich man in the gospel has accumulated great wealth, but is consumed with accumulating more.  Then all his possessions are evaluated in the light of death.  What does all his stored up material wealth mean to him?

Another option for the man would have been, not only to accumulate material wealth, but grow in the wealth of loving people and living in a community caring for each other.  He would have been greatly loved and he would have loved greatly.  He was somehow blind to the Spirit that could have motivated his life and lead him to share his wealth in love.

All of us can learn from this parable.  We may not have excessive wealth, but we have been given hearts with which  to love.  So the real question for ourselves is, do I live for myself or for God, including God in other people?  This is the question we must answer as we discern how to use the gifts, material and spiritual, that God has given us.  All in this life is gift and gratitude lived in love of the giver and his creation is the only life giving choice we have.

Let us pray that in all things we may choose God and ask for his Spirit to be our inspiration and the source of our lives lived in God’s love. Amen.