9-10-23 - 23rd Sunday OT - Fr. Leo Schneider

23rd Sunday - Fr. Leo

 We have all heard the phrase, “Am I my brothers keeper?” The answer is yes, and no.  No if we mean we are someone’s overlord usurping their freedom. But yes, if we mean an honest concern for another.  It is a tricky balance between yes and no, because we are all human and at times we can be pretty sure we are right.

The phrase originates with Cain.  After killing his brother, he was asked where Abel was.  Cain replied, “I know not, am I my brother’s Keeper?”  So ‘no’, may not be a good answer.  We should be concerned about the welfare of others, physically, mentally and spiritually.  If someone is in trouble, we should be concerned.

The important thing is how we go about our intervention.  We are not to come in like steamrollers, but out of love for our neighbor as Paul reminds us in our second reading.  This approach is well laid out for us in the gospel. The first step is to go to the one who has hurt us and talk directly to him or her.  This avoids gossip and respects the other in the strained relationship.

Then, if there is not a willingness to recognize what may be true in the situation, one is to bring two or three witnesses from the faith community.  This way, both parties can be heard objectively.  If that fails, then the offender is removed from the community.  Just as Cain fled after the murder of his brother Abel.

So to answer our question, “Are we are brother’s keeper?, we must say yes, as long as it is done in the love of Christ who gave himself up for the sinner. We too, are to share in the sacrifices that bring others to life in God!