9-26-21 - 26th Sunday OT - Fr. Leo

26th Sunday  - Fr. Leo

“The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart.”

Both our first reading from Numbers chapter 11, and our gospel from Mark chapter 9, give us instances where human reasoning misjudged the work of the Spirit.  A territorial jealousy is expressed by Joshua and John.  Moses corrects Joshua and Jesus corrects John sighting that if the one speaking in the spirit is not against us, they are with us.  God’s truth is not bound to a particular tribe or group.  God’s truth is revealed through the hearts of all who embrace his way of love.

Prophets then, are made by God through the gift of the Spirit of Truth, the prophet is the one who opens his heart to God’s truth and speaks in God’s name.  This is why we find prophets challenging.  The truth proclaimed by the prophet rises above all human truth and can critique our ways of being and living in the world.  Our culture itself may be challenged by prophets.

In Baptism, we were all baptized into Christ as priest, prophet and king.  Thus, we are all called to live in a way that proclaims God’s truth and love.  This is underscored in the gospel when Jesus says, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and were thrown into the sea.”

While there may be a bit of hyperbole in this statement, it reveals the importance of seeking the truth and modeling that truth to others.  We each preach by our own lives more than by our words. And it is the truth that will judge us as we see portrayed in James’ letter, chapter 5. (Our second reading today..).  The seeking of God’s truth and living God’s truth is to live in God.  To live in God is to live in love. 

May the Lord bless us with his spirit of truth that together we may live in the transforming love of God for us and all peoples. Then our prayer will be realized in God, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  Amen!