February 2, 2020

Presentation of the Lord - Fr. Leo

Mosaic tradition called for the first born male to be dedicated to God.  Fulfilling their religious practice Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple to be blessed.  They bring, not a sheep-the offering of the rich, but two birds.  One offered in praise and the other as sacrifice for sin.  Not that there was sin in this case.  It is a fulfillment of the law, like John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan rather than being baptized my him.

Entering the temple they meet a truly holy man, Simeon, who, gifted with the Holy Spirit, recognizes the Child as the awaited messiah.  But before blessing them, he asks the Lord that he may pass into eternal rest after a long painful waiting in a difficult God-appointed task.  It was his faithfulness that made him holy, but also was the source of great pain as he lived among a people who grew distant to their faith.

After blessing Jesus and confirming him in his heritage and calling as Messiah, he lets Joseph and Mary know that their child will be the rise and downfall of many.  Some will believe in him and be saved, while others will reject him and his gift of mercy and salvation.

He goes a step further and tells Mary that her heart will also be pierced for the good of the same mission, the winning of hearts for God.

Then another very Holy Person comes up to them, Anna, who is 104, which puts her in the category of the great prophetesses.  She too, proclaims the Child and the divine mission being accomplished. Anna was awaiting the coming of the Lord.  In that, she is a model for all who will wait upon the presence of God.  She is the humble servant who awaits the Lord, who comes and brings her the fullness of life forever.

Take-a-ways for us:

One.  Jesus is our messiah.  He reveals and brings God to be one in us through his coming, his death, and his resurrection.  The Holy Sprit is to enlighten us with the knowledge, presence and power of God.  Jesus died for us as he is also the Father’s love for us.  As the Father loves the Son, so the Father loves us.

Two.  We participate in Christ’s mission.  We, like Mary and Joseph, will have our hearts pierced  as we carry the cross of truth that leads through the present darkness into the full and eternal life of grace.

Three.  Like Anna, we need to be people who await the Lord; people who are awake to God revealed through prayer, meditation, contemplation and action.  Like Anna who never left the temple, we must never leave our seeking God, to live in his eternal presence at every moment.  Then the Christ will be for us a rising, and not a downfall. 

May God’s spirit dwell in us that we may live in Him, and be his servants now and for ever. Amen.