July 26, 2020

17th Sunday of Ordinary Time- Fr. Leo

God gives us insight in how to pray in our first reading from the Book of Kings as He teaches through the example of Solomon.  God invites Solomon in a dream, from another dimension, to ask for anything he wants.  Solomon, in response, does not ask anything for himself.  Instead he only asks for an understanding heart so that he would know how to act in accordance to God’s will.  God was very pleased with Solomon’s prayer and granted him the wisdom and understanding he sought.  

Jesus invites us to the same kind of prayer when he taught his disciples how to pray.  In acknowledging God over all, the Father in heaven, is inviting us to pray, “Thy will be done.”  This is the same prayer as Solomon’s.  Thus when we pray, we pray not for ourselves and what we feel we need, but what God wants for us and for others.

Solomon was concerned for God’s people.  As members of the Body of Christ united to God though Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, we too are called to pray for God’s blessing on all people.  When we do, we affirm our communion with God and each other, which then becomes the realization of the wisdom and understanding of God. 

God created us in him.  There is no us and them.  No outside and inside. There is only a unity that embraces the will of God and the love of God for all.  If we focus on others, and give to them without expecting repayment, our example will inspire them to do the same, and we will receive a greater portion of God’s spirit, because in that “praying” we are all one.  One in God, and one in one another, in the one undivided Spirit that lives in all.

The greatest gift is the faith we have that will listen to Jesus’ invitation and bring us to respond to Him with our whole being.  It is this faith that the Gospel teaches us should be our heartfelt desire before all else.  To sell all for the pearl of great price is to abandon our false, ego-driven life and strive solely for the greatest of treasure; the Kingdom of God.

May this Spirit dwell more fully in us and may our joy be found in the endless love we receive from God and God’s people.  Especially in the giving back what we have received, making our unity in God, God’s people, and all creation more complete.  Amen.