June 14, 2020

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Fr. Leo

The term “Body of Christ,” can have many meanings.  In using the term, we may be referring to the Eucharist as the “Body of Christ.”  Or we may think of the Church as the “Body of Christ.”  Some may even think of the body of the historical Jesus.  All these understandings and more, are correct understandings of what we mean by “The Body of Christ.”

The common and most important aspect of all these meanings of the term “The Body of Christ,” is the presence of God.  God was present in Jesus.  God is present in the Church, and  in the heart of every human being.  God is present in the Eucharist, and through the Holy Spirit, communes with us in the “ground of our being” (Meister Eckart)  where he is always present.

If living in unity with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the essence of the spiritual life, then communing with God is the entrance to the fullest sharing in God’s un-created energy or love.  The Eucharist nourishes this reality in us and through the Holy Spirit makes God, not only present in our transformation, but also, through us, the transformation of all creation. 

Praying for this oneness in God for all humanity is so important, and becomes the foundation of our outreach to others.  This is so clear at this time with all the brokenness we have witnessed in our community and the world these last weeks.  What happened on 38th and Chicago has rippled around the globe.  In our prayer and actions, let us have faith that the Spirit of God who is peace and healing, may ripple out from us and make a difference in the hearts of all peoples.

Come, God of mercy, pour out your Spirit upon us.  Help us to live in your truth and become a source of your love for all!