Happy Thanks-giving to all of you from Fr. Leo

We are blessed by our ancestors who taught us to give thanks on this day for all our blessings. So from the heart we pause to be grateful, to let this feeling of gratitude bless us with its awareness that we are loved, and that we have all we need.

Being grateful moves us inward where the want for material things is checked by a loving heart that knows blessings received are its true source of peace and fulfillment.  In this space we move from needing to giving, only to find that others’ giving fulfills our needs.

With gratitude we realize our cup is not half-empty, but half-full, We come to a deep trust in God-the-giver, and come to know deep down that we need not ask for more; God has that covered!

Giving thanks today for blessings is a blessing.  In doing so a peace comes to rest in our souls.  So let us join our ancestors, living and deceased, this day in a cry of praise to God who is Lord of all!  Praise to you God of heaven and earth.  Yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory now and forever. Amen.

And, may God bless the food that feeds your body, and bless your hearts with the gratefulness that touches peace eternal. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!